Bike Fitting
Improve Your Comfort & Performance
Regardless of what type of cycling you enjoy, you'll benefit from a bike that has been properly adjusted to fit your body and your riding style. Our certified fit specialists will discuss your cycling history and goals. We'll then work with you to determine your ideal riding position.
With a professional bike fit, you can be more comfortable, more efficient, and more powerful on every ride. You’ll also be less likely to sustain injuries on a bike that has been expertly configured to meet your needs.

Serotta Fit System
We are trained Serotta Fit technicians. We offer fitting of your current/existing bicycle or a complete fit on our Serotta Fit Cycle which will generate a complete chart to build a fully custom bike frame and bike to your personal cycling needs and fit of your body. Serotta Personal Fit System, a scientific and repeatedly proven method of sizing a bicycle to the riders individual need, was developed to provide the most accurate fit possible.
Our staff stays up to date with the latest sizing methods and they have been to the Serotta fit clinic where they earned the coveted title of Fit Technician.
What size bike do I need?
Our experienced staff can give you a general idea of size. Through the course of observing you on the bike and talking about your style of riding, we can fine-tune the fit of any bicycle.
Every bike we sell is fitted to the customer, from a two-hundred dollar cruiser to a seven thousand dollar Serotta Ottrott. Swapping stems and adjusting saddle position are just a few of the things we can do to make a production bike fit as closely as possible.
Obviously no production bike will fit perfectly and that's why we use the Serotta Fit System. With our fitting cycle and fit systems we are able to generate a complete fit chart that will be the blueprint for a bike frame that will be created specifically for you, a Perfect Fit! Please contact us to make an appointment for your full or existing bicycle fit.
We work with frame builders and designers to create your custom dream bike. A few of our full custom bike lines include, Gunnar, Boo Bikes and Moots. We are also able to use your personal fit profile with a frame builder of your choice, if possible.